Digital growth depends more on the business model than on technology.

That is why all companies – small and medium-sized enterprises, too – can realize significant digital growth.

When tomorrow starts a new working week and keywords like disruption, digital transformation, agility and many more are flying around our ears again and challenging us every single day on e.g. change management, then it is important to remind, that:

Digital growth depends more on the business model than on technology.

Hence elementary business model parameters like

  • customer value proposition (to help customers to get a job done)
  • and the company formula to be profitable (how to create value for yourself while providing value to your customers)

are crucial parameters, that still need to be very clearly defined.

Furthermore, we may not forget company’s key processes and key resources.

When you then look into new technologies to serve (a) + (b) and that may open up for new/additional opportunities, too, then

  • talk about and discuss WHY to use these technologies (e.g. to create ease for customers, to ease your own processes etc.)
  • and less about the HOW (probably not the company’s core competence) – be prepared to source the HOW out; and that does not need to be expensive at all.

Actually, small and medium-sized enterprises can have here a competitive advantage as it is easier to “move” a small speed boat then a big tanker.

When you are already in execution mode in your company, feel transformation (or better: permanent transition), then you will probably have noticed, that the chain jumps off at different places. This is very natural – changes, working differently than before is not easy to realize and to accept for various, reasons.

Important is

  • not to ignore your observations, but to solve the issues, that make the chain jump off. Admit, when you do not have the solution immediately ready. Work it out together.
  • to take employees with their fears seriously. Remember, that it lies in human being nature, that we want to contribute to what makes sense, to results and it is not our nature to contribute to things that are meaningless.

Wish you a great, new week!