Strategy Development & Execution

I help you with developing and executing your business strategy leading to results.

Often companies manage well their day-to-day operations, but when it is e.g. about being confronted with new challenges in their industry or wanting to conquer new markets, many companies need competent, external assistance to define a new strategic direction, stick to it and ensure execution.

I have developed simple, effective and practical strategy processes, that can increase growth and profitability of your company.

I focus on ensuring, that a developed strategy is followed by a clear strategy execution plan as there are proven records, that companies mastering both disciplines are far ahead of other companies – no matter what company size and possibilities.

I have successfully done it before for several, different companies and I can also do it for your business.

Business Strategies Leading To Results


A well-considered and diverse composition of the board can make a significant, positive difference for the development of a company.

I am an experienced board and advisory board member, who aims for adding real value to your company, so that my contribution leads to increased earnings including a plan how the company can constantly evolve positively through employee trimming, innovation, digitalization and general renewal.

In the board I work – I co-operate closely with other board members and strive to ensure, that your company benefits at the most from my competences in developing successful business strategies.

In addition, your company can benefit from my wide, international network across industries and markets and I contribute dedicated with my special expertise within:

  • International growth & Sales.
  • Go-To-Market strategies & Marketing.
  • Digitalization – primarily to strengthen the entire value chain incl. SaaS & subscription business models.
  • M&A / Strategic partnerships & alliances.
  • “Human being first” (empathic leadership)

Advisory Board

Many owners and entrepreneurs are very alone with many vital decisions. Especially small & medium sized enterprises can profit from establishing an advisory board, that gives you the opportunity to gather a handful of competent people, who can advise you in different business areas you may not be quite keen on yourself.

I am an experienced advisory board member and can help you with putting together an advisory board, that meets your needs. I can play an active role in your advisory board, too, by giving advice in my special expertise – among others with:

  • International growth & Sales.
  • Go-To-Market-Strategies & Marketing.
  • Digitalization – primarily to strengthen the entire value chain incl. SaaS & subscription business models.
  • M&A / Strategic partnerships & alliances.
  • “Human being first” (empathic leadership)


We live in a time, where we feel a certain desperation to loose closeness to our customers and thus the need to emphasize the value of our products and services – in the one or the other form; “no matter how”.

When I talk to companies, who have the wish to make use of the increasing digital possibilities – in particular in certain industries and B2B markets, where we consider complexity high – the best advice I can give at the very start is:

“Digital growth depends more on the business model than on technology.”

Hence elementary business model parameters like:

  • customer value proposition (to help customers to get a job done)
  • and the company formula to be profitable (how to create value for yourself while providing value to your customers)

are crucial parameters, that still need to be very clearly defined.

When you look into digital tools, then

  • talk about and discuss WHY to use these technologies (e.g. to create ease for customers or to ease your own processes = digital transformation)
  • and less about the HOW – be prepared to source the HOW out; and that does not need to be expensive at all.

Actually, here small and medium-sized enterprises can have a competitive advantage as it is easier to “move” a small speed boat then a big tanker.

I have successfully implemented digital strategies for several of the companies I have been working for and I can help you, too, to define the objective and to execute on the planned strategy for now and the future.

Go-To-Market Strategy


“Internationalization – you need to feel under your skin.”

When companies address to me, because they have an ambition to internationalize, then I can see, that they often target a country similar to their own:

  • in language
  • financial structures
  • legal and economic systems


  • culture

In principle there is nothing wrong with this approach, but not necessarily the country where you can make the biggest impact with your products and/or services and by that: make the highest profit.

Beyond market research, collection of all the key facts and clarification of your real chance to be successful in another market, there is a factor (the last 20% of your internationalization approach), that can make a significant difference:

I call it the “Internationalization – you need to feel under your skin” – Factor.

It is an insight into a market, that is very crucial to have in order to avoid wrong investments. I have worked and lived in several countries and have been through this process myself.

If you consider to conquer new markets, let us find out how I can support you in developing and executing a successful Go-To-Market strategy. I have done it before for several, different companies with noticeable growth results.

Special Expertise

SaaS & Subscription Business Models

There has never been a more exciting time to be in the SaaS business than now. As recent research shows, 2021 has proven to be another solid growth year for SaaS business, with 28% median CARG despite Covid.

And does not matter whether you are selling software to B2B, B2C or B2G – or any other products/services through a subscription model – crucial is, that you offer a product/service, that customers perceive as valuable.

In the early stage of any company, a fast go-to-market and simple subscriptions are key to success. You want to offer a simple, all-in-one package that is easy for customers to use and buy into. But, when your company matures and the market becomes more sophisticated, you will need to focus more on e.g. customer life time, concentrate on upsell and avoid churn as these are key parameters next to ARR (Annual Return Revenue) for valuation of your business.

As CCO in a SaaS company, I have been challenged myself with these topics and have mastered them successfully and scaled the business significantly.

Today I work for several SaaS companies as well as enterprises, that offer other products and services as a subscription and help them to achieve exponential growth and the necessary rapid organizational development.

If you want, I can also help your company. Just let us talk about the possibilities.

Organizational Development

Whenever you work with business development and want to develop your business to new highs – conquer new markets, enhance digitalization or simply want to seize the opportunities for growth – very fast arises the question whether you have the right competences and people on board.

And does not matter whether it has been in my own leadership roles or working with and for other companies, I have experienced, that focusing on organizational development and improving an organization’s capabilities is key to success.

Because business and organizational development – large or small – can only work, if the people who work with them do the right things. Therefore, organizational development is also – and often most – about “human being development”.

In particular small and medium-sized enterprises can benefit from practicing empathy – unfold employees potential – and thinking creative when it comes to set-up an organization, that can cope with the fast changes in the world we are living. Because resources are often limited, but the needs are the same as in large companies.

That is why I am often asked to contribute to the organizational development, too, when I help companies to scale their business. Whether it is about streamlining processes, being professional mentor for employees or young leaders or finding creative solutions to bind the necessary competences to the company – my approach is diverse and depends entirely on the objectives and the needs of your business.

Automotive & Mobility

The automotive industry stands in front of significant changes within the next years.

Whether it is an increasing demand of electrical cars or new players like market places as Cazoo, that challenge the car industry and dealers on new sales models. Consumers increasingly demanding alternative transport and mobilitiy concepts as e.g. car sharing – the challenges are various and in particular car dealers need to re-define their place in a world, where the sales process is moving more and more towards the internet. Not to forget the parts suppliers in the IAM, who will need to re-think maintenance concepts and invest in IoT.

I have been working in Automotive for more than 20 years and I can support you in defining the next strategic direction for your business.

Can I help your business