When I look back to a fantastic 2019 – personally and in business, I ask myself what will 2020 bring to us? And what is needed to win the 2020’s – a decade, that will challenge us on low growth forecasts while aiming to add value to business owners and society at the same time.

There are several key parameters to consider when you want to win the 2020s. The following TOP 3 parameters, I believe, can make a difference:

  1. Developers – a future, crucial workforce:

Identify and promote people with a developer gene. People, that are creative listeners, capable of solving complex issues and finding direction in a fast-changing world. These people will be a crucial work force in future, because “one-size-fits-all” business models will not work out anymore.In the last years we have invested a lot in all possible leadership skills, what, without doubt, has not been wrong at all. However, it will not be enough anymore in future. We will need more people with logical-analytical and in particular: unconventional thinking capabilities.

  1. Innovation demands a working culture of permitted failure:

Digitalization, AI and innovation in general demands a working culture, where failure is permitted. That is not, what we live in most companies today. When we talk about innovation we need to act as an investor – important is the result at the bottom line: If “only” 2 out of 10 innovations work out, but deliver a positive bottom line, then we will be successful all in all. Do not struggle with the 8 innovations that failed – concentrate on the 2 successful – try, risk and win.

  1. Sustainability & Social responsibility– create value for your business AND your society.

In our nowadays “interesting” political environment, where sometimes you feel as if it is only about Monopoly, companies can make a difference for themselves and contribute positively to the society in which they operate. Companies, that concentrate on both – adding value for their business and at the same time let society share in their success will win the 2020’s.

Merry Christmas & Happy, new year 2020!